
Program start dates: LPN-RN (AAS in 护理 degree) is May; BSN degree is May; BSN-MSN degree is June; and RN-MSN degree is July.  

All programs offered in the 护理学院 are approved by the Arkansas State Board 护理. Upon graduation, the student is qualified to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) to become a registered nurse.


Care has been taken to ensure the information within the website of the School of 护理 at the University of Arkansas is accurate and complete. 然而,由于约束 events and/or circumstances which may necessitate change, the 护理学院 (SON) faculty reserve the right to amend information contained with this SON website when 必要的.


All undergraduate programs (AAS in 护理 and BSN) start in May.  最后期限 申请日期为3月1日. To apply for the undergraduate nursing programs, call the nursing 预约电话:870-460-1069.  在该预约期间,申请 process is explained to ensure applications are submitted correctly.  这个应用程序 appointment is for the AAS in 护理 and BSN programs only.  毕业申请 Program (MSN) should click on the "研究生学位信息" tab. 


Prior to applying to the AAS in 护理  or BSN program, applicants must take the National League for 护理 (NLN) Pre-Admission Examination (PAX) with a score at 119或以上的国家报告平均值.  申请人应遵照指示办理 to purchase and take the PAX exam by clicking here: NLN测试服务.

Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) Degree [pre-licensure]
A student must successfully complete all general education and nursing supportive 进入护理程序前的要求. 所有申请人必须:
1. 符合所有大学入学要求;
2. bc365游戏累积GPA为2.0或更高;
3. Submit a letter of good standing from the dean/director from all Registered 护理 学生曾经参加过的课程;
4. ACT composite score of 16 or higher or SAT score of 430;
5. Completion of the National League for 护理 (NLN) Pre-入学 test (PAX) with 达到或高于全国报告的平均分;
6. Complete all general education and nursing supportive requirements with at least 成绩达到C或更高,平均绩点保持在2分.在两组需求中都是0或更好.

RNs with an Associate Degree or nursing diploma from an accredited nursing school may apply for the RN to BSN Advanced Placement Program. rn完成相同的一般 education and supportive courses as students enrolled in the pre-licensure BSN program but have a specified program for completing theory and clinical nursing course requirements. 的 RN will receive credit for 33 semester hours to be held in escrow until successful 项目完成情况. All clinical experiences are preceptored at approved facilities. RNs may progress through the program using a 12-month accelerated option or a 24-month 扩展选项. RN applicants may be required to provide demonstration of nursing skills competency through written and/or performance-based testing as defined by the 阿肯色州护理教育发展模式. 所有申请人必须:
1. 符合所有大学入学要求;
2. bc365游戏累积GPA为2.0或更高;
3. Complete all general education and supportive requirements with a grade of “C” 或者更好,并且GPA保持在2分.在两组要求中均达到0或更高;
4. Submit a letter of recommendation from a current or most recent RN 主管;
5. Have and maintain current unencumbered Arkansas RN license (or compact multi-state tag); and
6. Submit a letter of good standing from the dean/director from all Registered 护理 参加过的BSN项目.

请注意: 申请人s seeking 入学 to the nursing program through advanced placement should 与护理学院院长会面. 这个学位的候选人必须完成30 hours of coursework at the bc365游戏.

LPN-RN Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in 护理 Degree
A student must be a licensed LPN to be eligible for the AAS in 护理 program. 的 student must successfully complete all general education and nursing supportive requirements 在进入护理程序之前. 所有申请人必须:
1. 符合所有大学入学要求;
2. bc365游戏累积GPA为2.00或更高;
3. Complete all general education and supportive requirements with a grade of “C” 或者更好,并且GPA保持在2分.在每一类要求中达到0或更高;
4. Submit a letter of recommendation from the student’s current or most recent RN 主管;
5. Have a current unencumbered Arkansas LPN license (or compact multi-state tag);
6. Submit a letter of good standing from the dean/director from all Registered 护理 学生曾经参加过的课程;
7. ACT total composite score of 16 or higher, SAT score of 430, or proof of 5,500 LPN practice hours in the past three years of application.  LPN实践证明 hours must come in the form of a letter from the applicant’s employer Human Resource 部门. 的 letter must be on employer letterhead with a contact name and phone 核对编号.
8. Completion of the National League for 护理 (NLN) Pre-入学 test (PAX) with 平均分:等于或高于全国报告的平均分.
的 accelerated track allows incoming freshmen who earned 18 college credit hours of BSN degree general/supportive courses to accelerate their degree and finish in six semesters with two summer terms verses eight semesters with one summer term. 学生 eligible for the accelerated track must have an ACT composite score of 22 or SAT score of 540, and completed (with a grade of C or better) or received Advanced Placement 作文一和作文二的学分. 有资格参加此课程的学生必须 enroll in Anatomy and Physiology I and II with the respected labs during the initial 高中毕业后的夏季学期.

学生 are ranked based on ACT or SAT scores, NLN PAX test scores, and GPAs. 的 PAX test scores must be at the national average during the testing time frame. 申请人 GPAs are calculated using only the general education and nursing supportive requirements 在申请时完成. 学生必须完成所有优秀的课程 with a grade of “C” or better by the end of the Spring semester to be considered for 入学. RN-BSN applicants are allowed nine credit hours of outstanding coursework, however, completion of all coursework prior to starting the nursing sequence is highly 建议.





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